Animation series

Onion & Pea is a 2D animated series project aimed at a target audience of 6 to 9-year-olds. It combines wild comedy and adventures, parodies the superhero genre, and includes subtle references to pop culture, making Onion & Pea a series that parents will also enjoy. Based on a Spanish intellectual property originating from comics with clear international potential. It emphasizes friendship, equality, teamwork, and good values. It introduces us to are two vegetable aspiring superheroes. What? Superheroes? Yes, you read that right, two vegetable superheroes! Discover the outrageous adventures of Onion and Pea, a duo of vegetables with big dreams of becoming superheroes… without having the slightest ability for the role. Alongside Leo, their unexpected preteen mentor and his gang, Onion and Pea will embark on the seemingly impossible mission to protect Villa Rincon from the attack of an emerging horde of chaotic vegetable supervillains.

Leo and his gang of friends will become the strategic support group for Onion and Pea in their battle to keep the constant appearance of vegetable beings, led by the mysterious and malevolent Colonel Bröck O’ Lee, at bay. This will be quite an eventful summer for Leo! Something strange is coming to Villa Rincon… and it might be in your salad.

Teaser animatic. 




There are three Onion & Pea comics published and a fourth is in development. Although Onion & Pea began as a comic strip, it has evolved into a comedy and adventure graphic novel. His comic “Journey to the World of Monsters” was selected by Weird Market 2021. If you want to know more about the comic click here.

Onion & Pea. The adventures of the Nuclear Onion and the Atomic Pea.

Onion and Pea is a comic strip very much in the style of classics like Peanuts, Garfield, Calvin & Hobbes or Mafalda; however, it is a bit different by using two vegetables as the main characters. This also allows us to look at things and convey humor from a different point of view. Just imagine what would happen if two small, chubby vegetables dressed like superheroes suddenly entered your life!

Journey to the World of Monsters 1.

When you’re a kid you hide from monsters, but what if you couldn’t hide? What if you had to actually go looking for them and help them? Leo and his friends embark on a journey to find André, delving deep into a world beyond the bedroom closet, but somehow they get separated from each other. And so begins an adventure in which they will see that this new world is not actually that different from our own, and that if you never give up, you can be so much more than you think you are capable of. Hard cover. Only available in Spanish on

Journey to the World of Monsters 2.

Leo and his friends continue their journey in the world of monsters, in which they will fly to the Kingdom in the sky and will face a great thousand-year-old dragon, living a great adventure in which they will see that this new world is not actually that different from our own. A 56-page color comic for all audiences, with humor and adventures. Hard cover. Only available in Spanish on




David Tomaselli

David Tomaselli was born in Malaga (Spain) but currently lives in Zurich (Switzerland), where he combines his work as an engineer with being a writer of the Onion & Pea comic, of which he is co-author alongside Jose Villena. They are members of the National Cartoonists Society.

Jose Villena

Jose Villena graduated in Economics and has worked as the art director in the marketing and advertising department of different companies for over ten years. He is currently working as a freelance illustrator and designer, and is co-author of the Onion & Pea comic, alongside David Tomaselli.


3 DOUBLES Producciones has joined the animation series project and we are looking for financing, co-producing partners who want to be part of Onion & Pea, and televisions or platforms interested in acquiring it.

If you want to know more about the project, or simply want to contact us, you can write to us at:
or through the following form:





Visit our Zazzle store where you will find a multitude of products such as t-shirts, mugs, mobile and ipad cases, thermos, caps, etc.

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